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Our Learning

For 2023-2024, at this time we are continuing to focus on...How can we better support our students to engage learning in different ways in order to enhance, deepen, and build more individual meaning in their learning?  



Each classroom teacher is going to focus on planning for a variety learning activities while encouraging students to discuss, share, and reflect about their learning with each other.  As a school, we will look at using station work, using loose parts, alternate learning spaces, and some natural learning outside.  Our teachers are focussing on really getting to know students deeply. What are their hobbies, interests, strengths, stretches, areas they need support, etc...  That way, we can know how to provide engaging learning for our students.  

In teacher's planning, they will look at the big ideas and see where they can incorporate a variety of entry learning activities that deepen their understanding.  We will ask students our scanning questions in late Spring 2023 about this learning and how it might be helping them. Have we made growth? If so, what kind?  If not? Why not?  What’s next?   (Talk to students and teachers).  From their answers, we will provide planning and collaboration time at staff meetings and pro-d to reflect on where we go next to help deepen the students' understanding of what they are doing in class.

Check out our web site from time to time for updates and our bulletin boards in the hallways to see evidence of this learning that will be happening in the classrooms of Garden City!